Best Rewarded Deeds to do in the Holy Month Ramadan

For the Muslims, Allah gives the great opportunity in the form of Holy Month of Ramzan to earning the uncountable sanctifications and rewards. Every Muslim wait for this month all over the year. They perform good deeds from Sehri time to Iftar time but, after that they offer the Tarawih prayer too. They try to make each and every moment of this month unforgettable and memorable. The people who are monetarily strong, spend their Ramzan time in Makkah and Madinah with Book Ramadan Umrah Packages from the UK. Allah’s Prophet (PBUH) said that,
“Whoever draws near to Allah during it (Month of Ramzan) with a solitary feature from the features of (voluntary) golly, he is like whoever performs a mandatory performance in other times. And whoever performs a mandatory performance during it, he is like whoever performed seventy compulsory acts in other times.” (Sahih Ibn Khuzaymah)
Now let us see the best rewarded deeds to do in the Holy Month Ramzan below,
• Zikr e Allah • Perform I’tikaf • Find Laylatul Qadr • Sadqa and Charity • Obligatory Prayers • Exhibit Good Manners • Recitation of a Holy Quran • Eid Preparation
Zikr e Allah
Don’t waste your time in the month of Ramzan because little good deed has double reward during this month. So, busy yourself in the Zikr of Allah after Farz worships. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said that,
“… Allah will write for him or her a million good actions and rub out a million bad actions and raise him a million levels.” (Tirmidhi)
Obligatory Prayers
In normal days, people don’t offer the prayers regularly and they know that Salah is compulsory. And who don’t offer it, Allah will give the punishment to him or her. But, they offer the prayer regularly in the month of Ramzan. According to Holy Prophet (PBUH) “The finest fast after the fast of Ramzan is the fast of Muharram and the best Namaz after the compulsory prayer is the prayer did at night.” (Muslim)
Find Laylatul Qadr
The Night of Decree is a Blessed night and 1000 months better night. Muslims can find this night in the odd days of last Ashra of Ramzan. According to Hadith,
“Whosoever reverenced on Layltatul Qadr, with faith, and with an honest purpose, all of his earlier evils are pardoned.” (Bukhari)
So, do good deeds, not even Ramzan, in fact, every year. Allah gives the reward for every little deed because He is Merciful and Beneficial.